Best Undergraduate Poster:
Artury Ramirez, UC Merced
"Determining if the Curvature of Nanocellulose Paper can Enhance the Yield of Giant Polymersomes"
Janae Gayle, UC Santa Barbara
"Data Analysis Using Sarcgraph Provides Insight on the Effects of Spermidine on Doxorubicin-treated Stem-cell Derived Cardiomyocytes"
Best Graduate/Post-Doc Poster:
Abhishek Sharma, UC Santa Barbara
"Determining the independent contributions of ECM stiffness, stress relaxation and collagen fiber density to malignant phenotypes in breast cancer"
Bijie Bai, UC Los Angeles
"Deep learning-enabled virtual immunohistochemical (IHC)
staining of label-free breast tissue sections"
Christian Burns, UC Merced
"Von Hippel-Lindau Deletion in Osteocytes Disrupts Immune System Development and Vasculature Functionality in the Bone Marrow"
Best Graduate/Post-Doc Talk:
Dr. Cheavar Blair, UC Santa Barbara
"The polyamine spermidine enhances the contractile force of µ-patterned single-cell stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes post doxorubicin treatment"
Conary Meyer, UC Davis
"Rapid and Predictive Membrane Protein Synthesis ex vivo"
Shu Chien Early Career Jury Awards:
Prof. Randy Carney
Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis
"Surface enhanced Raman scattering of extracellular vesicles: a new toolbox for clinical diagnostics"
Prof. Siddarth Dey
Biological Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
"Developing integrated single-cell epigenome and transcriptome sequencing technologies to study early mammalian development"